Friday, February 27, 2009

Somebody Watched "The Watchmen"

Via Reuters and the Hollywood Reporter, the first review I've seen of "The Watchmen."

Not much enthusiasm or depth of insight in the review. A pretty dry review that you might expect from a trade journal of sorts. They even go so far as to peg the film a flop. That just seems like showboating for no particular reason other than being iconoclastic. But you won't be swayed either way by this particular write-up. I doubt it will be a flop and I'm sure it will be damn interesting - even if it's a fail.

Here's another review - this time from Australia. It was filed at 12AM on February 27, they must be racing to get out there as early as possible.

What they are saying in the land down under sounds a bit more interesting:
"The story teems with weirdness and wild adventure..."

"It won't be forgotten in a hurry..."

"But many extremely violent scenes earning it an MA 15+ rating will hamper its blockbuster hopes. Sex, politics, a nuclear holocaust, copious blood splattering and bone shattering could make Watchmen's mammoth 160 minutes an ordeal for some."


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