Sunday, May 10, 2009


"Luke Perry meets the new waiter at the Peach Pit."

Much ado was made by Trekkies (there are apparently many on the internets) over the anachronistic** inclusion of the Beastie Boys rollicking "Sabotage" in J.J. Abrams "Star Trek" make-over (more specifically, the song appeared in one of the trailers a few months ago.)

The tune in question fits in rather nicely methinks. A young Kirk take Dad's vintage Corvette for a joyride and gets chased by "The Man." He turns on the radio*** - an oldies station presumably - and hears the Beasties.

More ado was also made a few months ago when ol' Billy Shatner started posting rather embarrassing homemade videos kvetching about whether he was or wasn't invited to appear in Abram's "Trek."

Let's tie this all together in a neat little conspiracy, shall we?

Many moons ago, "Celebrities at their Worst" unearthed a hilarious audio outtake of Bill Shat arguing with an audio engineer about the pronunciation of a certain word.

And what word was it that made Shatner set his Phasers on stun?

Wait for it...

The word was:

Shatner pronounced it (roughly) Saab-Oh-Ta-Gee. The engineer gently corrected him and "Captain James T. Jerk" got all snippy and snarky. Some folks have sided with the Shat and pointed out that maybe "Saab-Oh-Ta-Gee" is an acceptable alternate pronunciation (especially for a rogue Canadian) but I'll leave that debate to William Safire.

Personally, I think Abrams pwned Shatner.

*To be fair, the film wasn't Blecch-ish at all. But I can't resist the temptation to give a shout-out to vintage Mad Magazine-style Yiddish-influenced neologisms. If you have a problem with that, go Portzerbie your furshlinger mom.

**Technically, I don't think it could be termed "anachronistic" - but I don't know what else to call it. Maybe "pandering" is a better term.

***Actually, it wasn't the radio but some fancy, branded gee-gaw that was an obvious product placement.

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