Thursday, October 29, 2009

Where the Weird Girls Are: "Ginger Snaps"

In anticipation of Halloween (and pondering the forthcoming reboot of Universal's "The Wolfman") I decided to revisit the proto-Twilight teenwolf tale "Ginger Snaps" and see if plays as good as I remember.

A 12-pack of cheap beer and a few hours later, the answer is a resounding yes.

"Ginger Snaps" has everything you need kids. Cute goth girls, blood, violence, casual drug use, slangy, funny teen dialogue (this Bud's for you Diablo "Hamburger Phone" Cody) and that extra special sheen of Canadian otherness usually found in Cronenberg/Guy Madden films and strange bacon products. Although unrated in the U.S. version, "Ginger Snaps" is very much akin to a hard "R" flick but in a strange Canadian-film-board-financed manner that eschews nudity while embracing the aforementioned casual drug use, a fucking shitload of F-bombs and gore galore.

And (in a bit that would raise hackles in a lower 48 movie) one scene features a public school nurse extolling the virtues of condoms to our young heroines.

Did I mention the multiple, graphically disemboweled puppy dogs?

I have been meaning to write something pithy about "Ginger Snaps" but those snappy bastards at the A.V. Club scooped me with this entry in their ongoing series "The New Cult Canon."

After reading the 'Cult Cannon' piece, I realized that maybe I was curious to see this after sitting through the cavalcade of fail in the similairly themed "Jennifer's Body."

Here's a little bonus I found on the YouTube. Something that my cheapo pawn shop dvd lacked. A neat little audition clip featuring the foul-mouthed 'Ginger' hotties.

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